
style play

I have to confess, I only watch football during Super Bowl season, the raging excitement of rooting for your favorite team, planning super fun SB parties, preparing a deli-inspired menu, and let’s not overlook  the rocking half -time performances (Madonna and Nicki Minaj will be taking center stage this year), each make the once a year cheer worth it! But let’s not single out the valid reason for this post─ Style; I imagine we all can agree, that attending a Super Bowl party calls for a quick comfy yet cool number. If you’re a diehard football fan, you may go for the midriff jersey (team of choice) and a relaxed pair of jeans, balanced with sporty kicks. Or if you’re a gal like me who doesn’t have a team preference, and just loves the idea of looking effortlessly adorable─ basic tee (graphic is an option), skinny jeans, and height-boosting wedged booties (what can I say, I’m 5’o ), zested with electric accessories; will certainly endorse you on the winning team. imagenicki minaj, stupid *** music video clip
  *what will be your score play look for Super Bowl 2012?    

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Superbowl 2012 and I will also watch for Madonna & Nicki Minaq appearance. We have been invited to a Super Bowl party and maybe the 1st if I attend. I am into Futbol aka Soccer..World Cup 2014 Baby

Your mother aka Pam W